Become a member

Want to become a part of CASE association? Great!
In order to become a member you will have to follow the steps outlined in this guide.

Access to CASE Lab

Due to rules everyone that have access to CASE Lab must have knowledge about the safety rules. These are held by the employeed and CASE board. After completed course you will have the neccesaty knowledge for access to the lab.

View safety course

Access to equipment

For all machines, 3D-printer, Laserengraver, Vacuumforming etc. you must have completed a special course. Theses course are held by the employeed and CASE board. After completing a course you will have all neccesary knowledge to start using the equipment.

View all courses


Safety course

3. After the membership form has been submitted, you will recieve an email in your chalmers mail. Click the invitation link to the join the CASE lab canvas course.

Complete the safety quiz and the fire safety quiz in Canvas.

5. To finish your application, come to the lab on Thursdays 17:30. If you have completed the safety quiz on canvas, you will be able to attend a quick safety walk through. You will also have to pay the membership fee of 100 SEK.


Start building!

Once the walkthrough is completed you are allowed in the Lab on CASE Association hours.

Some of the machines like the 3D printer and lasercutter requires a introduction course in order to use. This is primarly for safety reasons and to reduce maintenance. In order to attend these courses you can apply here. Courses will be held approximately every other week, or depending on demand.

Once you have a machine license you will be able to see the resource in CASE LAB booking.

Tip: Read through the FAQ