CASE, Chalmers Autonomous Systems and Electronics, makes it possible for members to attend the lab after school (17:00). CASE's purpose is to raise the knowledge and interest in electrical/embedded systems and mechatronics.

The association is open for all Chalmers students, employees and alumni.

For more information about us check out the rest of the website!
You don't have to asp to apply to the board,
and you don't have to apply to the board in order to asp.
You do not need to be a member to aspire.

Come and join us! it will be fun!

Tuesday 11/2
Board Info

Whether you are just curious about what CASE is, are considering becoming a member or perhaps have thoughts about applying for the board, you are welcome to hang out with us in the lab, Tuesday 11/2 from 17:00!

All Chalmers students are welcome!

Tuesday 25/2
Canon asp

Humans seem to have a knack to accelerating things at high speeds out of cannon barrels, so to keep the tradition going, we will let the participants build their own canons!
Surprise(s) may occur!

Friday 7/3
Cold C.A.S.E

Get ready for a night of laughter, games, and DIY fun! Join us as we build your drinking device of choice and indulge in entertaining games.

Saturday 29/3
Two Rats with One Stone

The rampant rat population is destabilizing the natural fauna of Deltaparken. Legend even speaks of a feral albino alpha rat (caught on cam, can be seen to the left). Learn how to tackle this emerging problem during an afternoon at the lab! Multiple components and linear actuators will be at your disposal in order to achieve the ultimate barbeque-session!

Råttpopulationen är utom kontroll i Deltaparken! Legenderna talar även om albino-alfaråttan som sprider skräck bland kubbspelare och besökare. Bildbevis på denna legend är bifogat. Lär dig mer om labbet och sätt pressen på råttorna när ni besöker oss den 29:e mars i labbet! En lång rad komponenter och linjära aktuatorer kommer att stå till ditt förfogande för att uppnå den ultimata grillningen.

Join our asp-messenger group

The messenger group will be our communications nexus throughout the asp, ensuring that everyone is in the loop and engaged in the dynamic flow of information.
Here, we'll not only share crucial updates and notify you promptly about any changes but also share a space where members can casually chat or ask questions. We encourage an open and interactive environment, where questions find swift answers, happy exclamations are shared, and the atmosphere is lightened with the delightful touch of memes. Write or ask any of the board memebers to be added!
Join the Association Discord!

Association nights

Torsdagar 17:00 är som traditionsenligt byggkvällar! Kom till labbet för att jobba på ett eget projekt, starta något med någon annan, gå säkerhetsrundvandring, eller bara tjöta och hänga! Om man är sugen brukar vi även röra oss mot J.A. Pripps någon gång efter 19:00 när folk blir hungriga!

On Thursdays at 17:00, in accordance with tradition, we host construction nights! Come to the lab to work on your own project, start something new with someone else, take the safety tour, or just hang out! If you're in the mood, we usually move towards J.A. Pripps sometime after 19:00 when people get hungry!

Board application

The application will officially open at the culmination of the aspiration period.
Stay tuned!